Wednesday, January 24, 2007

what isn't weird about me?

I think all my life, up until recently, I thought I was weird because I wasn't like "eveybody else." Only lately have I really embraced my unique creative expression. I wear clothes because they make me happy. I used to think people would think I was if they think I'm's fine with me.

Another foundation piecing scarf...gosh, those are fun to make. I especially like to make them out of cotton flannel... super.soft.on.the.neck! This one may be my favorite. It has lots of colors in it and looks great with everything!! love.that.

on to the six weird things...I was tagged by Becki...

1. My feet and hands are super cold at night, when I climb into bed, my husband covers my feet with his and warms them up...his feet are always hot.

2. I say, "ya know" after most of my drives my sister crazy.

3. I have to sit up to burp. If I am laying down I have to sit all the way up. It just gets stuck down there.

4. I start lots of projects and they sit around forever, before I finish them. ex: pink quilt..still on the kitchen table. We haven't seen the kitchen table for at least a week.

5. Before I push the start button on the washing machine I have to have the fabric softner cup in my hand, so I can pour the softner in and dilute it with water. Even I think it's weird.... every time.

6. I live on a lake, wear a swim suit, but don't get in the water. Even though I have heard that it is "really clean" water. Gross.

I think anyone who wants to tell six weird things already have!!!


becki said...

LOL!!! I say "you know" also..I never noticed it until my mom pointed it out!! Now it drives me crazy!!

Amanda Jean said...

I enjoyed reading your weird list!