Thursday, December 14, 2006

It was time

As usual in December I get really frustrated with my hair. First, my hair falls out like a big hairy dog and clogs the drain. Second, the dry air wreaks havoc on my normally dry hair. Flat hair isn't very attractive. Third, and most important, don't get a perm...they suck! There is nothing else to do but get it cut off! I love the style. It dries in a three minutes, as opposed to 15 minutes! I was at school today and one of the teachers said, "Your haircut makes you look really 'put-together'." So, before...I looked bad and un-put-together?! hmmm.thanks, I love it!

This week has rocked! Most of the Classroom Projects are getting finishing touches. This is the 6th & 7th grade project. Each of the students made a God's Eye with embroidery floss and dowels. I let the kids choose two or three colors. The dowels were spray painted with brown paint and cut 2 inches long. All of them are hot glued in a shadow box frame. It is a really stunning piece of art. Hopefully, it will do well at the auction. I think it's cool that it represents each of them individually and as a whole. Man is it challenging to take a picture of something in a frame with glass!


beki said...

Your haircut is very flattering!
I love the art ptoject. It looks so nice all put together like that.

Jeanne Craine said...

The project is just fantastic!!! Beautiful colors!!!