The last few weeks we have had the most unusual fog. On the 29th, the combination of the fog, cold temperatures and wind created some really beautiful images. The wind made the snow/ice look like it is moving. Beautiful enough to take lots of pictures.
Happy Birthday, Mom!!! I hope you like the present. I love how the pearls and the lampwork go together. I don't know what the little rings are called but I love how they make the bracelet even MORE cool! Can't wait to give it to you.
Among other things going on around here...I have made some beads for the holidays.... I whish I could lock myself in my torch room....but unfortunately that won't happen until next week. My goal for next year is to make enough beads to pay for a cleaning company to come clean my house. Ihate to clean. I have too many other things I would rather do than clean. So many little time. Hopefully, next week I will catch up on all my quilt square for the quilt-a-long!!!